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Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers are the heart and soul of Bruin Community Parents and you do NOT need to be a member in order to help the CHS community. 


Below are volunteer opportunities for the 2023-2024 school year.


Library Volunteer

**Must be a district approved volunteer**


The primary duty of this volunteer is to wrap new books in contact paper so that they are protected from wear and tear.  This is a school day volunteer opportunity with flexible days/hours. Please contact the CHS Librarian, Ms. Pimenta, for additional information. 

CHS Annual Food Drive

The students and staff at CHS are passionate about helping the community with their annual food drive. Each November and December, students collect thousands of pantry staples and deliver these provisions to families in need. BCP provides support the evening of 'Shopping Day' (12/13) and, when needed, assists with 'Delivery Day' (12/14). Please EMAIL BCP for additional details on this volunteer opportunity. 

Canned Food Open Lids
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Bingo Night

Bingo night is BCP's annual community event that helps fund the BCP Opportunity Scholarships awarded each year to graduating seniors.  We need volunteers to be on the planning committee as well as event volunteers. If you are interested in helping with this amazing event, please EMAIL BCP for additional details. 

Staff Appreciation

We LOVE our amazing CHS staff!! BCP needs volunteer support to help coordinate our staff appreciation events, which includes beginning and end of year breakfasts as well as mid-year gifts (distributed before winter break.) If you would like to help with staff appreciation, please EMAIL BCP for details. 

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